Namespace Subspace :: sus :: option

The Option type, and the some and none type-deduction constructor functions.

The Option type represents an optional value: every Option is either Some and contains a value, or None, and does not. It is similar to std::optional but with some differences:

  • Extensive vocabulary for combining Options together.
  • Safe defined behaviour (a panic) when unwrapping an empty Option, with an explicit unsafe backdoor (unwrap_unchecked) for when it is needed.
  • Avoid accidental expensive copies. Supports Copy if the inner type is Copy and Clone if the inner type is Clone.
  • Provides take() to move a value out of an lvalue Option, which mark the lvalue as empty instead of leaving a moved-from value behind as with std::move(optional).value().
  • A custom message can be printed when trying to unwrap an empty Option.
  • Subspace Iterator integration. Option can be iterated over, acting like a single-element collection, which allows it to be chained together with other iterators, filtered, etc.

Option types are very common, as they have a number of uses:

  • Initial values
  • Return values for functions that are not defined over their entire input range (partial functions)
  • Return value for otherwise reporting simple errors, where None is returned on error.
  • Optional struct fields Struct fields that can be loaned or "taken"
  • Optional function arguments
  • Returning an optional reference to a member

Quick start

When the type is known to the compiler, you can construct an Option from a value without writing the full type again, by using sus::some(x) to make an Option holding x or sus::none() to make an empty Option. If returning an Option from a lambda, be sure to specify the return type on the lambda to allow successful type deduction.

// Returns Some("power!") if the input is over 9000, or None otherwise.
auto is_power = [](i32 i) -> sus::Option<std::string> {
  if (i > 9000) return sus::some("power!");
  return sus::none();

Use is_some and is_none to see if the Option is holding a value.

To immediately pull the inner value out of an Option an an rvalue, use unwrap. If the Option is an lvalue, use as_value and as_value_mut to access the inner value. Like std::optional, operator* and operator-> are also available if preferred. However if doing this many times, consider doing unwrap a single time up front.

sus_check(is_power(9001).unwrap() == "power!");

if (Option<std::string> lvalue = is_power(9001); lvalue.is_some())
  sus_check(lvalue.as_value() == "power!");

sus_check(is_power(9000).unwrap_or("unlucky") == "unlucky");

Option<const T> for non-reference-type T is disallowed, as the Option owns the T in that case and it ensures the Option and the T are both accessed with the same constness.


If a type T is a reference or satisties NeverValueField, then Option<T> will have the same size as T and will be internally represented as just a T (or T* in the case of a reference T&).

The following types T, when stored in an Option<T>, will have the same size as the original type T:

This is called the "NeverValueField optimization", but is also called the "null pointer optimization" or NPO in Rust.

Reference parameters

As mentioned above Option type can hold a reference, which allows code to use Option<const T&> or Option<T&> as a function parameter in place of const Option<T>& or Option<T>&. This can have a positive impact on compiler optimizations (and codegen size) as the function is receiving the Option by value and thus the compiler can reason locally about the Option's state. Otherwise it needs to assume any function call can change the const Option<T>& to become empty/non-empty. This is a common optimization pitfall with std::optional.

As an example, this code is optimized poorly, keeping a runtime check on the Option. Global analysis could perhaps show it not required, but it is beyond the view of the compiler.

void Foo(const Option<T>& t) {
  if (t.is_some()) {
     A();  // Compiler assumes `t` may be changed.
     B(t->thingy);  // Compiler has to keep the check if `t` is Some.

Whereas here the compiler can elide runtime checks, and the parameter's size is still the same as a pointer. Use the as_ref method to convert to Option<const T&> in the caller.

void Foo(Option<const T&> t) {
  if (t.is_some()) {
     A();  // Compiler knows `t` is not changed.
     B(t->thingy);  // Compiler drops the redundant check if `t` is Some.

Querying the variant

The is_some and is_none methods return true if the Option is holding a value or not, respectively.

Adapters for working with lvalues

The following methods allow you to create an Option that refers to the value held in an lvalue, without copying or moving from the lvalue:

Extracting the contained value

These methods extract the contained value in an Option<T> when it is holding a value.

For working with the option as an lvalue:

  • as_value returns const reference access to the inner value. It will panic with a generic message when empty.
  • as_value_mut returns mutable reference access to the inner value. It will panic with a generic message when empty.
  • operator* returns mutable reference access to the inner value. It will panic with a generic message when empty.
  • operator-> returns mutable pointer access to the inner value. It will panic with a generic message when empty.

For working with the option as an rvalue (when it returned from a function call):

  • expect moves and returns the inner value. It will panic with a provided custom message when empty.
  • unwrap moves and returns the inner value. It will panic with a generic message with empty.
  • unwrap_or moves and returns the inner value. It will returns the provided default value instead when empty.
  • unwrap_or_default moves and returns the inner value. It will return the default value of the type T (which must satisfy Default) when empty.
  • unwrap_or_else moves and returns the inner value. It will return the result of evaluating the provided function when empty.


Most methods of Option act on an rvalue and consume the Option to transform it into a new Option with a new value. This ensures that the value inside an Option is moved while transforming it.

However, if Option is Copy, then the majority of methods offer an overload to be called as an lvalue, in which case the Option will copy itself, and its contained value, and perform the intended method on the copy instead. This can have performance implications!

The unwrapping methods are excluded from this, and are only available on an rvalue Option to avoid copying just to access the inner value. To do that, access the inner value as a reference through as_value and as_value_mut or through operator* and operator->.

Transforming contained values

These methods transform Option to Result:

  • ok_or transforms Some(v) to Ok(v), and None to Err(err) using the provided default err value.
  • ok_or_else transforms Some(v) to Ok(v), and None to a value of Err using the provided function.
  • transpose transposes an Option of a Result into a Result of an Option.

These methods transform an option holding a value:

  • filter calls the provided predicate function on the contained value t if the Option is Some(t), and returns Some(t) if the function returns true; otherwise, returns None.
  • flatten removes one level of nesting from an Option<Option<T>>.
  • map transforms Option<T> to Option<U> by applying the provided function to the contained value of Some and leaving None values unchanged.

These methods transform Option<T> to a value of a possibly different type U:

  • map_or applies the provided function to the contained value of Some, or returns the provided default value if the Option is None.
  • map_or_else applies the provided function to the contained value of Some, or returns the result of evaluating the provided fallback function if the Option is None.

These methods combine the Some variants of two Option values:

  • zip returns Some(Tuple<S, O>(s, o))) if the Option is Some(s) and the method is called with an Option value of Some(o); otherwise, returns None
  • TODO: zip_with calls the provided function f and returns Some(f(s, o)) if the Option is Some(s) and the method is called with an Option value of Some(o); otherwise, returns None.

Boolean operators

These methods treat the Option as a boolean value, where Some acts like true and None acts like false. There are two categories of these methods: ones that take an Option as input, and ones that take a function as input (to be lazily evaluated).

The and_that, or_that, and xor_that methods take another Option as input, and produce an Option as output. Only the and_that method can produce an Option<U> value having a different inner type U than Option<T>.

method self input output
and_that None (ignored) None
and_that Some(x) None None
and_that Some(x) Some(y) Some(y)
or_that None None None
or_that None Some(y) Some(y)
or_that Some(x) (ignored) Some(x)
xor_that None None None
xor_that None Some(y) Some(y)
xor_that Some(x) None Some(x)
xor_that Some(x) Some(y) None

The and_then and or_else methods take a function as input, and only evaluate the function when they need to produce a new value. Only the and_then method can produce an Option<U> value having a different inner type U than Option<T>.

method self function input function result output
and_then None (not provided) (not evaluated) None
and_then Some(x) x None None
and_then Some(x) x Some(y) Some(y)
or_else None (not provided) None None
or_else None (not provided) Some(y) Some(y)
or_else Some(x) (not provided) (not evaluated) Some(x)

This is an example of using methods like and_then and or_that in a pipeline of method calls. Early stages of the pipeline pass failure values (None) through unchanged, and continue processing on success values (Some). Toward the end, or substitutes an error message if it receives None.

auto to_string = [](u8 u) -> sus::Option<std::string> {
  switch (uint8_t{u}) {  // switch requires a primitive.
    case 20u: return sus::some("foo");
    case 42u: return sus::some("bar");
    default: return sus::none();
auto res =
    sus::Vec<u8>(0_u8, 1_u8, 11_u8, 200_u8, 22_u8)
        .map([&](auto x) {
          // `checked_sub()` returns `None` on error.
          return x.checked_sub(1_u8)
              // same with `checked_mul()`.
              .and_then([](u8 x) { return x.checked_mul(2_u8); })
              // `to_string` returns `None` on error.
              .and_then([&](u8 x) { return to_string(x); })
              // Substitute an error message if we have `None` so far.
              // Won't panic because we unconditionally used `Some` above.
sus_check(res == sus::vec("error!", "error!", "foo", "error!", "bar"));

Restrictions on returning references

Methods that return references are only callable on an rvalue Option if the Option is holding a reference. If the Option is holding a non-reference type, returning a reference from an rvalue Option would be giving a reference to a short-lived object which is a bugprone pattern in C++ leading to memory-safety bugs.



  • Used to construct an option with a None value.

  • Used to construct an option with a Some(t) value.


  • Compares two options. This function requires that T is ordered. An empty option always compares less than a non-empty option.

  • Satisfies the Eq<Option<U>> concept.

Function Aliases